Alternative heat sources are the future, with our solutions you can have them now. Available free energy is all around us, why not take it with a heat pump? Our heat pumps are among the most efficient on the market. By using the excellent physical properties of the natural refrigerants used in our devices, as well as thanks to their exceptional construction, we are able to produce maximum thermal energy from 1 watt of electrical energy. We achieve the exceptional efficiency of our heat pumps thanks to the minimization of individual heat losses that occur during heat production. Reliable piston compressors guarantee high efficiency for heat production.

Twineco® R723 heat pumps
production of heat or cold from renewable natural sources independently of fossil fuels
condensing capacity 5.1 kW – 480 kW
possibility to use condensation heat
no CO2 emissions
comprehensive heat solution (heating, hot water, cooling) for industry, company production premises, commercial buildings, hotels or logistics centers
significant reduction in operating costs, high return on investment
technical data for download